To Mask or Not To Mask…

Western christianity finds itself at the center of a quandary of biblical proportions. Whether or not it is their christian duty to wear a mask. Barring thoughts of “the mark of the beast” and other idiotic conspiracies the church finds American individualism diametrically opposed to its christian identity.

They are told to care for the sick and elderly, widows, children…the whole “least of these” situation. At the same time the church bemoans the ability to gather physically, hug, shake hands and all of the things that it is known Jesus commands. The church falls down while trying to live exactly what they are commanded to do. How does this particular thing happen?

Largely it’s because of Western christianity. It’s a very different breed of religiousity than that of Biblical geography or even timeline. They are so ingrained with a sense of individualism that the church fails to provide for others. It’s a consumer based church, not a mission based one. The mere existence of the need for public assistance points to the inability of the church to execute on simple commandments. I once read that a church spends an average of $45,000 per salvation within their own building. How many folks did they actually feed though?

If you dig long enough you’ll find that the true Church is grounded more in communal concern(bordering communism), collectivism and a lack of individual concern whereas the western implementation of it is wrongheaded. The true divergence is the implicit individualism imparted on the modern American. For a country “founded in christianity” the church has little to no regard for the true Christian concerns from the Bible.

Dear Church, if you want to understand why people are leaving you in droves it’s not the hypocrisy of the individual church members, that’s to be expected. It’s the corporate and blatant separation of the church from it’s foundational beliefs. It’s the corporate hypocrisy of the implementation of the words of Christ within the confines of your comfortable air conditioned seat.

Politics and the church

Politics are becoming increasingly difficult for Christians. Willfully accepting the paradigm that they are voting for the lesser of two evils.

I’m not sure what passage in the Bible covers the part where Jesus commands us to flip a proverbial coin.

I’ve heard enough church talk to know that the wonderful catchphrase “….but Hillary” is the rebuttal to anyone with half an ounce of sense pointing out the very clear point that our current president is not a Christian. He is selling you an image and you are buying because of your inherent need to be a winner or sheer laziness. You’ve sold your moral compass so you can be a part of the winning team.

From his fumbling of his “favorite” Bible verse, to the awkward post protest photo op he took in front of a church he doesn’t attend holding onto a bible he doesn’t own and pausing for visual effect. HOW. CAN. YOU. BE. SO. BLIND.

This brilliant piece of showmanship reverberates through social media with a resounding “THATS MY PRESIDENT” or “TRULY A MAN OF GOD” from the very fools he calculated would be duped with this dog and pony show.

Church let me tell you one thing. When you find yourself unable to pay bills, empty seats and a failing institution understand it’s this type of hypocrisy that caused it. It’s this level of aloofness that points to a willful ignorance to the state of affairs in our nation currently. You can no longer expect people to respect your establishment of religion if you make a mockery of it daily. There are clear principles contained in your “holy” text. You better find a way to stand on those principles that doesn’t result in a “lesser of two evils” solution. Otherwise your mere existence is in peril.

Many of us have already abandoned your ideals because you simply cannot be trusted.

false equivalence

Dear Church,

Stop using the “All Lives Matter” false equivalence. We’ve entered a time in our society where it’s time for you to shut the fuck up. Unless you are a person of color, your opinion and viewpoint is likely moot. Back up, shut up and post up. It is time for you to listen to the world describe to you the experience that White America has catered for a good portion of the world.

You don’t really believe all lives matter, if you did you’d be marching with the rest of world.

You don’t really believe all lives matter, if you did you’d be protesting the death penalty.

You don’t really believe all lives matter, if you did you would denounce the

You don’t really believe all lives matter, if you did you wouldn’t be in a rush to reopen the economy while spouting “…the cure can’t be worse than the disease”.

Your reluctance to denounce bad behavior emphasizes the fact that you have let Jesus down. You have played an integral role in pushing people away from Christ.

“whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

You believe white lives matter. You believe the lives of the people you care about matter. You believe that the status quo matters. You want to pick and choose when it’s convenient for life to matter. For that you are the tried and true definition of the church, a gathering of the hypocrisy for a moment of fellowship and validation of a myopic world view.

It’s not Dark and Hell isn’t Hot

Dear Church,

You don’t really believe in Hell.  It’s a great catch all to scare kiddos into staying in the building(for a little while at least) and an esoteric concept that everyone inside your church has heard but little have any degree of biblical foundation in.  Pew Research says 30% of Christians don’t believe in Hell, but I’d guess that only 30% of Christians ACTUALLY believe in Hell.  And here’s a few reasons why:
1. If it was real you’d spend a lot more time talking about it with legitimate scriptural foundation. Not just the fire and brimstone BS, but honest to god exegesis.  I challenge you to pull up 4 biblical references to hell from your own memory.  I would bet you can’t.  You’ll be using terms like scary, hot, lonely, isolated, but can you directly relate any of them to scripture?  If not then you are emotionalizing and sensationalizing.

2. You keep having kids.  If you really believed in Hell why on earth would you ever have a kid?  You are rolling the dice with another persons eternal existence?  What kind of sadist does that.  Is your DNA so important that you’d gamble with eternal torment just to make sure your line continues on?  That sounds pretty selfish.  Keep those bullets in the holster or better yet disconnect the plumbing so you don’t potentially contribute to the population of Sheol.

3. Most of your money is spent “ministering” to your direct neighbors, and here in the west there’s not much of a chance of your neighbor having not already heard the good news.  And while we are on the subject of money if you really believed in hell you’d be giving 75% of your income to valuable ministries to help save those heathens instead of the $20 per Sunday you currently average.


Most folks will just look at this and say that Hell doesn’t really matter because our focus should be on Jesus.  Touche.  Except if you really believe in Hell and you know you are safe from it but you are unwilling to talk to anyone else about the dangerous peril they are in then you are a little more than phony, almost apostatic.  It’s not a word but I’m gonna use it regardless.

Xenophobic ideals

Dear Church,

You spend thousands upon thousands each year to eliminate barriers to entry in the hopes that someone new will attend your church only to jump on Facebook Tuesday afternoon and espouse the xenophobic ideals of our POTUS.

Stop wondering why your credibility is shot.


p.s. If you can’t see the diametrically opposed stances hit me with a comments and I’ll let you know.

Post Christian

For the past few months my wife and I have been wrestling with the modern definitions of church and christianity.  I intentionally left those two concepts as non-capitalized.  Because that’s exactly how I’ve been feeling about it all.

We both grew up in the south with a moderate dose of church thrown in for good measure.  Neither of us could have ever been described as rigid in our beliefs but that lack of rigidity led us to allow some errant assumptions be made.  As a result of what one might term complacency we accepted that those we allowed to speak the “words of Christ” into our lives actually took that charge seriously.  Boy were we ever wrong(pastoral authority and is abuse are a post for another day).

I’m struggling with the concept that we live in a time when there are literally millions of resources available with a few quick keystrokes to any individual in a first world society yet those people who speak with a degree of “authority” are only proselytizing a viewpoint held by their antecessors and not verifying that viewpoints legitimacy.  And what viewpoints would that be?

Let me list a few:

  • sexual preference
  • gender roles
  • inerrancy of scriptural translations
  • racial tension
  • mental illness
  • evolution
  • individual belief
  • pastoral authority
  • etc.

Over the course of the next few months I want to journal our experience in searching for truth of these ideas as they apply to our life.